Accepted Payment Methods:
We are pleased to accept the following secure payment methods for online purchases:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Zelle App/Cash App
- Paypal
Ordering Process:
1. How to Order:
To order a product, simply click the 'Add To Cart' button next to the product's picture. You can review and manage your selected items in the shopping cart. Proceed to checkout, and follow the prompts to provide shipping and payment details. Once your order is processed, you'll receive a confirmation email within 12 hours.
2. Security for Credit Card Purchases:
Our site is 100% secure for credit card purchases, even more so than using your credit card in a retail shop. We prioritize building a long-term relationship based on trust. We have implemented stringent security measures to ensure your online shopping experience is safe.
3. Credit Card Payment Method Tips:
Before using a credit card on our site, please take a moment to understand how credit card purchases are processed:
- Place an order and enter the credit card number on our secure site.
- Shopping cart details, including order and billing information, are sent to the payment gateway's secure server for processing.
- The payment gateway forwards transaction information to the merchant's acquiring bank.
- The credit card issuing bank verifies the transaction and sends a response code back to the merchant's acquiring bank.
- The payment gateway sends transaction details and response back to the merchant's online store.
- Payment information is displayed to the customer, indicating whether the credit card was charged or denied.
Fees may be charged at certain processing stages, depending on the payment gateway, merchant account, credit card type, and other factors.
4. Why Was My Credit Card Declined:
Your credit card may be declined for the following reasons:
- Insufficient cleared funds
- Expired card
- Incorrect CSC number (security code)
- Typing credit card number with spaces
If you encounter issues, consider checking for spaces in your credit card number or contact us via email, live chat, or fax to resolve payment problems.
Thank you for choosing us. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.